Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chapter 24 - Writing groups

I went to another writing group last night. This is a group where we read our work out loud. Interesting. I find it odd to be reading what I wrote out loud. The entire purpose of me writing it is so that others will read it. Reading it myself seems to almost spoil the point. And I do not always favor the sound of my own voice. Luckily I know better than to attempt the voice of my characters. I'm not a talented actor and could easily embarrass myself that way. One of the many traps I must avoid.
photo by Stuck in Customs via PhotoRee

But the reading went well. My first chapter has seen so many revisions. Being the first thing I wrote has its disadvantages. Mainly being it was probably written to be felt and understood, rather than read. In other words, I've improved a great deal and it's actually quite difficult to transfer what I have learned retroactively to the first chapters I wrote. Luckily I have been learning by leaps and bounds since I started this adventure, so I think what I have now is at least much more readable. Can't wait for you all to experience this. Or throw it back in my face if that's the order of the day. We shall see.

Chapter 24 continues tomorrow.
Four or Five days of writing left. Then my Twitter will no longer be slave to these whims,
this fun and whimsical journey which is a baron wasteland for comments.


  1. I'm glad your hitting up these writing group Will. They will help you gain confidence and improve your skills in a short amount of time.

    Keep laying down the words!

  2. Hey, I was wondering if this thing actually worked. Thanks, Greg, for testing my comment section!

  3. Glad to help :) and keep the blog going it allows me to keep tabs on you.
