Finished chapter 9. Very close to half way there for the book.
I was having a discussion today with someone about my book. I mentioned that I was writing 2000 words a day, and keeping a pace of writing every single day. The person said, "Isn't that a lot? Shouldn't you slow down?"
That's a good question. My response was that I did not want the book to become overproduced.
This term-- overproduced --is rather subjective. So I was put on the spot to define it.
For an example, I said,
Napoleon Dynamite, the short film, not the feature, was NOT overproduced. It didn't hire the best looking actors of the time. Nor did it recruit the best cinematographer. It concentrated on a few things it did well, and presented just that. Later that was taken, and manufactured into a feature length film, which was just more of the same, but still very popular. The original idea if over produced, may not have been as well received.
For an example of something which IS overproduced, I present Lady Gaga music videos. Songs which barely have any meaning left in them when the video is over. Every facet of the characters, and designs are taken and exaggerated to the 9th degree in the video, so that when its over-- you are like... what does this mean? and why do i care? Just look at her makeup... it's insane. --Maybe thats not the best example because Lady Gaga is obviously doing it right. But 9/10 times people try something like that, they end up failing because it's very hard to do, and very easy to overdo.
Hmmm. I guess that was fair.
I don't want to spend time analyzing every paragraph, or every word. I don't want the book to come in rhymed couplets, or with 100,000 unique words. I want it to be the book I am writing. It might not be perfect, but if there are improvements to be made, I don't want to make them while I am in the middle of writing it.
The discovery of writing is part of what is driving me. Each day brings new challenges, new adventures and new ideas.
So far I have written 40,000 words, and I love them all.
I have created 4 alien races
Written 6-7 new characters
Choreographed tons of scenes as well as 3 battle scenes.
It's been quite an adventure, and I want it to be just as fun when people read it. I want it to be exciting, and new, not a over-analyzed, over-conceptualized exercise in style, or form.
I want it to be as fun, fresh, and funny as fiction can be.
So there you have it..
Chapter 10 tomorrow, and I'll be halfway finished
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